Meet Kairos and Master Your Meetings

Stop Meeting Madness: Learn How to Create Effective Meetings Today

Written by Kairos Meeting Masters | Sep 23, 2024 12:30:00 PM

Let's debunk the myth that eliminating meetings altogether is the solution. The truth is, meetings can be valuable tools for collaboration and progress. The key lies in designing and executing them effectively.

In this video, we'll explore the importance of taking ownership of our meeting culture. Instead of focusing on eliminating meetings, let's commit to creating great ones.

We can transform our meetings from unproductive time-wasters into valuable opportunities for growth and collaboration.




Video Transcript

The elimination of meetings is a false goal. We need to make them truly work for us. As meeting leaders and good stewards of time, it's incumbent upon us to design great meetings and not be part of the problem. And be sure our own house is in order with regard to meeting execution.

There are four questions to help guide you in the design and preparation for meetings.

The first question is, how do I know if a meeting is even needed? The first principle here is getting everyone aligned with the following.

Anyone about to hit send on a meeting invite needs to ask themselves two questions. (1) Does the meeting have a compelling purpose and (2) Does that meeting require active collaboration? If the answer is yes to both, hit send. If it's not, stop.

Think it through and determine if there's actually a need to meet. Or if another form of communication is sufficient. So it could be just picking up the phone to 1 or 2 folks, an email, IM, or an asynchronous meeting.