Make each meeting count.
Rooted in science, Kairos measures your meeting performance and drives organizational momentum by guiding meeting leaders in Outlook, Teams and via live coaching.
See for yourself,
no strings attached.

As Seen In:

Your blind spot as a leader.
20% to 70% of your payroll is tied up in meetings.

Leaders consistently rate their own meetings 3x higher.

Measurably improve meetings.
Unlock productivity now!

Raise the bar today.
Is change at your organization failing because it’s either lacking follow through or a never-ending project plan?
With Kairos, small actions lead to big results in the easiest, most integrated way for your teams.
Book a Demo
Jameson V.,
VP of Operations
What makes Kairos different, is the team approach. Some of us tried out agenda and other tools with no results. Kairos brought us together as a team and built organizational momentum. Now, we can measurably see the energy and focus in all of our meetings!
Measure Meeting Performance

Level up your leaders.
Achieve organization-wide impact in record time through Live
Coaching Cohorts.

Empower your team.
Accomplish strategic goals by ensuring your team has dedicated time to move the needle where it matters.

Improve with instant feedback.
Drive accountability with Post-Meeting Assessments and incentivize meeting organizers to succeed.
How do I know Kairos will work for
my organization?
Based on over 20 years of research, Kairos has been developed in partnership with Dr. Steven Rogelberg, the world's leading expert in meeting science.