Meet Kairos and Master Your Meetings

Linchpins: The Chief of Staff's Guide to Impactful Meetings [Webinar Recording]

Written by Kristy Hissa | Oct 15, 2024 10:23:45 PM

Welcome to our webinar recording on mastering impactful meetings!

Our goal is to equip you with practical insights that will elevate your meetings, transforming them into essential drivers of organizational growth, health, and vitality. Say goodbye to unproductive gatherings and learn how to handle unnecessary meeting invites effectively. Dive into our session recordings to discover actionable strategies that will make your meetings a linchpin of success rather than a liability.


A note from Kristy Hissa, General Manager of Kairos:

It’s time to challenge that status quo for both the benefit of the organization and your own well-being (work/meeting balance is a thing …)!

Here’s what you can do about invites to (potentially) unnecessary meetings that you receive:

  1. Challenge the sender: It does not matter if they’re more senior. Politely ask “Richard, can you clarify what is needed from me on this call?”
  2. Don’t hesitate to decline or propose alternatives when a meeting doesn’t add value.
    Fear backlash? Just send the sender a quick note ahead of time “John – I don’t think I’m essential to this meeting, but I will review the meeting minutes to stay in the loop. Happy to answer any specific questions async as needed."

I speak with senior leaders all the time and a common theme is:

They all assume that their team feels empowered to decline meetings that aren't relevant to them. They all think that that is obvious and implicit.

Now you have the explicit encouragement.

I dare you to start questioning the necessity of each meeting on your calendar.