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Avoid FOMO: How to Cut Meeting Attendees and Reduce Meeting Fatigue

Written by Kairos Meeting Masters | Sep 26, 2024 1:45:00 PM

Reducing the number of attendees in your meetings can save time, boost productivity, and improve decision-making. But how do you avoid leaving people feeling left out or missing out (FOMO)?

In this video, we'll explore practical strategies to streamline your meetings while ensuring everyone feels valued and informed.

Stop worrying about FOMO and start running more effective meetings. Watch now to learn how to streamline your guest list while maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment.




Video Transcript

To maximize meeting effectiveness, these three things must occur in these key conversations to prevent FOMO while also controlling attendance and prioritizing key stakeholders.

First, give it a good explanation as to why attendance is not needed. This makes the lack of invitation feel not personal to people.

Second, give opportunity to provide input as it makes others still feel valuable. Commit to good note taking around key takeaways and actions to address the anxiety of missing the meeting.

Finally, one meeting design practice that can help for reducing meeting sizes is to consider inviting people for part of the meeting, but not all of the meeting. Leverage the agenda to time, entry and exit. This lets you be more inclusive without the bloat.